art > A Mirror of Dread

The Predator: A Mirror of Dread (Narcissus’s Reflection, The Narcissist's Mirror)

I hold a five year Order of Protection against the perpetrator/predator. He is known to be a kite maker, a muralist, and claims insects have talent. Abusers come in many shapes and ethnicities. They wear suits, uniforms, badges and casual wear. They carry guns, fly kites, paint murals, connect and hide behind or work for nonprofits who enable them, including organizations who center themselves around "popular" democracy. Abusers masquerade as do-gooders and "prophets". Violence against women is classless and colorless. The judicial system and "law enforcement" are patriarchal and misogynistic, hindering any aid or justice for victims.

He is highly manipulative, insidious, and violent. Due to the continued failures of Family Court, lawyers who are ignorant of coercive control and narcissistic abuse, and running out of financial resources to continue trials, The Mirror of Dread was granted an order against me to keep me silent. But as they say, the more they try to silence us the louder we will be!

Domestic Violence In The Courtroom: The Legal System As A Weapon In Domestic Violence Cases

Order Of Peace (OOP journal)

"We provide alleged criminals the right to legal counsel, yet we are unable to extend the same rights to victims protecting themselves and their children. Our systems, by design, protect perpetrators, not victims." - Lauren Free

Coercive Control

Red flags of coercive control

A Guide to Coercive Control

Coercive Control: The narcissist's weapon of choice.

Coercive control is a strategic form of ongoing oppression and terrorism used to instill fear. The abuser will use tactics, such as monitoring all communication, as a controlling effort.

Delusional ideation, paranoia, and the need for uniqueness as mediators between two forms of narcissism and conspiracy beliefs

Narcissists’ proneness to conspiracy belief is partly driven by a desire to be unique and heightened paranoia


Narcissistic Abuse: Turns out, narcissists are more likely to post revenge porn online

It is a deadly cycle.

It is critical to know the red flags
narcissistic abuse experiences are.

The cycle of abuse. "Domestic" abusers repeat these four stages over and over, trapping victims.

If you or someone you care about is experiencing coercive control, there is help. The National Domestic Violence Hotline recognizes narcissistic abuse and trauma and is available 24/7 in more than 200 languages. Call 1-800-799-7233 to talk with an advocate.

Coercive control is the narcissist's number one weapon of choice.

"Defined by emotional volatility, a lack of empathy, and delusions of superiority and entitlement, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is linked with interpersonal exploitation, rage, and aggression, most often directed at family members. Making matters worse, narcissists compulsively deny their behavior and project it onto the people they hurt, and they frequently cultivate a likable or even do-gooder public persona that belies their ongoing abuses behind closed doors."


Emotional Abuse
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Intimate Partner Violence
The Freedom Grill
Intimate Partner Violence Awareness
Domestic Violence
#traumabonding defined

Knowledge Is Power
Bug Art NYC
The Freedom Grill

A very important article to read: Why domestic violence victims don’t leave