Can Abusers be reformed?
There are different types of intimate-partner abusers, experts say. A subtype often referred to in the field as the Intimate Partner Terrorist is the "worst of the worst," says David B. Wexler, executive director of the Relationship Training Institute in San Diego, a nonprofit organization that designs and runs domestic violence treatment programs.
The man is obsessed with power and control, terrorizes his partner, erodes her self- esteem, wields financial control and is jealous and possessive. This type of abuser is almost impossible to change, Dr. Wexler says.BE NICE
I shared this on social media in 2015, when the website was still active. This website no longer exist. The letter game was the catalyst for my artwork BE NICE.
Domestic Violence Services
Now more than ever it is crucial for victims of domestic violence to have a safety plan. Click | planning|here|to see where to start.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
"Lead researcher Dr. Afroditi Pina from the University's School of Psychology and her colleagues suggest revenge porn perpetrators have a distinct personality profile that makes them more likely to commit the heinous crime. The research team found a positive correlation between the greater likelihood to engage in revenge porn and displaying higher levels of the "Dark Triad" psychological characteristics. The "Dark Triad" focuses on three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy; "dark" eludes to the person possessing these traits as having malevolent qualities. Impulsivity and lack of empathy were the most strongly tied to the likelihood someone would commit the crime.
People with these personality traits are also more likely to want to stay friends after a breakup, but for personal gain. Specifically, those who scored high for narcissism were more likely to choose "practicality and the chance of hooking up" as reasons for prolonging a former romantic relationship. Unsurprisingly, these people have trouble letting go, and seek revenge to further exert their power and control over their victims."
Sheriff Beth Minute Meeting
Sheriff Beth News
Rape culture is real and coercion is its language
Revenge threats
Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths Sabotage Their Victims
Revenge Porn
Threats of Revenge Porn from AD SAE
How Bullying Manifests at Work — and How to Stop It
Litigation Abuse
Letters Of Recommendation
The abusers rage: Unhinged
This is what narcissistic rage looks like. When I escaped his violence and would not return he destroyed my apartment.
What coercive control looks like
Coercive control is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim. Coercive and controlling behaviour is at the heart of domestic abuse.